what are the first signs of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Once you do that, your repeated nausea and vomiting should go away and not return. Since THC is stored in your body fat, it can take weeks to months before all the symptoms go away and you notice a difference. Smoking extra marijuana won’t cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome help your nausea but will make it worse. An intriguing point to keep in mind is that the Rome IV criteria include the phrase “resembling cyclical vomiting syndrome.” In that regard, it is important to distinguish between the two.

what are the first signs of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Meet our CHS Specialists:

  • But because CHS is a somewhat newly discovered condition that was first diagnosed in 2004, some people may be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
  • Other researchers theorize that the effects of marijuana can change with chronic use.
  • Some case studies have indicated that benzodiazepines like lorazepam and alprazolam may alleviate symptoms.
  • Many people with CHS go to their doctor or an emergency room (ER) for treatment.
  • Because of this possible complication, it’s important to use caution with marijuana and other cannabis products.
  • Specifically, CHS becomes dangerous when the primary symptoms of the condition — abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting — become so drastic that the patient ends up becoming severely dehydrated.

Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a rare problem that causes constant vomiting. The only way to stop CHS and its symptoms is to completely quit using cannabis. Most people who quit using cannabis experience no more CHS symptoms within 10 days, but sometimes it may take weeks or months for symptoms to stop. Symptoms of CHS likely won’t return if you’ve completely stopped using cannabis. CHS symptoms typically present in a cyclical pattern every few weeks to months when cannabis is being used.

what are the first signs of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

Can CBD products without THC cause cannabis hyperemesis syndrome?

One study found up to 6% of people who went to the emergency room for cyclical vomiting had CHS. Experts believe only a fraction of habitual cannabis users develop CHS. But because CHS is a somewhat newly discovered condition that was first diagnosed in 2004, some people may be underdiagnosed or misdiagnosed. The only treatment that can get rid of CHS symptoms for good is to stop using cannabis completely. But there are some other treatments that may help manage your symptoms and make you feel better.

what are the first signs of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome


what are the first signs of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome

“It may be that the cannabinoid is only sort of one aspect of the way the patient is hurting that needs to be addressed to really get them to heal,” he said. Decades ago, most people had less opportunity to consume cannabis in daily life. “No kid could use continuously throughout the day and also be doing anything else, because they would have been smoking a joint before,” she said. “I basically spent that week laying in bed and just sipping slowly on water or sipping slowly on my Pedialyte, trying to get as much electrolytes and nutrition as I could,” recalled Brittany, 27, who today is sober. She asked to be identified only by her first name for fear of how future employers may view her history of marijuana use. What was causing this intense stomach pain, Brittany wondered as she rode in an ambulance one late night in February.

  • Other tests may be performed to rule out other causes of vomiting, such as a pregnancy test since CHS symptoms can mimic morning sickness, a blood test for anemia or infection, a drug screen, and a urine analysis.
  • Changes in the endocannabinoid system may lead to alterations in other systems that have the potential to promote nausea and vomiting.
  • Diagnosis can be challenging, and CHS may be misdiagnosed as many other disorders, including cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS).
  • Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS), or cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, is caused by long-term cannabis (marijuana) use.
  • When combined with the fact that people may not reveal they use cannabis, getting the right diagnosis can take years.
  • Health care provider and clinician education, such as this activity, as crucial to the advancement of care in this condition because it is not usually at the top of the differential list because of the lack of research and familiarity in the healthcare community.

Prevalence of CHS

  • A representative can refer you to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations.
  • The primary treatment of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome is the cessation of cannabis use, as there are no consistently effective alternative treatments.
  • To help you transition to the recovery phase, you can try a few home remedies such as regular hot baths.
  • About 75 percent reported using cannabis regularly for over a year.
  • Cannabinoids are compounds in the Cannabis sativa plant that bind to cannabinoid receptors in your brain, spinal cord, gastrointestinal tract and other body tissues.

Also, it’s possible there are more cases than have been reported, since not everyone with the illness will seek medical help or tell their doctor they use cannabis, the Cleveland Clinic notes. Most of his previous admissions were attributed to viral gastroenteritis due to the self-limited nature of the symptoms. However, after abstaining from alcohol for long periods, the patient had continued recurrence of the symptoms and increased frequency of presentations to the ED.

Hartford HealthCare Innovation

What are the symptoms of cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome?

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